Discover the versatility of SAM! Unleash your creativity, because SAM is so much more than a fixed design. It is a limitless modular solution that adapts to your needs. With an ever-growing selection of as many as 35 different modular cabinets in our SAM configurator, you are the architect of your own stylish and functional living environment.

SAM (Smart adaptive module) from Bao Living as a modular solution consisting of 35 different cabinets that can be placed together to create a personalised design. SAM Configurator for Sketchup helps creating these designs based on customers personal needs. It is an affordable, simple and fast solution


We don't work with one fixed 'closet'. SAM allows you to choose from several options. In addition to plenty of storage space, SAM also ensures that all household appliances are nicely integrated into the modules.

1 SAM (Smart adaptive module) from Bao Living - Spacious storage cabinet/closet (detachable/unfixed)


All our appliances are chosen with an approach to minimize energy consumption and ensure high quality. With our offer you can choose between a Basic, Mid or Plus segment. In the Mid segment, extra consideration is given to more storage space and ease of maintenance. The Plus segment is for customers who want the best performance in terms of energy efficiency, acoustics and ease of use.

SAM (Smart adaptive module) from Bao Living - Kitchen cabinets/closets. Three versions Basic, Mid and Plus (detachable/unfixed)


All products from the sanitary range are selected for durability. In the Mid segment you can choose a more attractive design, this selection also offers a little more comfort. In the Plus segment, you can choose appliances with the best materials and more comfort. In addition to the extra features, there are some devices you can personalize with your preferred colour.

SAM (Smart adaptive module) from Bao Living - Bathroom cabinets/closets. Three versions Basic, Mid and Plus (detachable/unfixed)


In addition to our standard cabinets, you can choose extra options. We offer cabinets with a TV niche or a built-in bed. The doors can also be made in your own SAM style.

SAM (Smart adaptive module) from Bao Living - Extra cabinets. TV niche built in Bed & Doors. (detachable/unfixed)
Are you curious how we integrate the utilities needed in your home into these cabinets? Would you like to discover how a SAM works technically? Then click the button below and have a look!