Our team

Who are we

Bao Living designs systems that make housing more affordable and sustainable.
We are a young and dynamic team of engineers, product developers and marketers. Together we want to have a positive impact on one of the most polluting sectors, the construction industry. After the successful completion of our 8 first realisations, we are busy developing a new load of projects. 2022 will be a great year!

Why we do it

Sustainability & affordability

Compared to a traditional building process, building with SAM can save about 4 tons of CO2 emissions on the installation alone. That's equal to the emissions of a car that would drive around the world. This in combination with the ease of disassembly and the efficient use of materials ensures that the impact on the environment is drastically reduced.

Awards & nominations

It is not in our DNA to stooge. Yet these recognitions are an important part of our trajectory as a company.
We highlight some of them below.
Bao living in the media - https://www.bloovi.be/Bao Living in the media - https://ondernemersvooriedereen.be/Bao Living in the media - https://architectura.be/Bao Living in the media -https://kanaalz.knack.be/Bao Living in the media -https://kanaalz.knack.be/Bao Living in the media -https://kanaalz.knack.be/Bao Living in the media -https://kanaalz.knack.be/Bao Living in the media - www.tijd.be

The team



Finance manager

"Asks too many questions ... would be a great investigator though!"



Junior R&D support

If it can be done simply, keep it simple no need to make it unnecessarily complicated.



Podcast freelancer

Drinks so much water that he needs to pee every 45 minutes!


The Lion

Junior Interior Architect

Talks A LOT!


The Knight

Junior Interior Architect

Sometimes people think I'm lazy but I'm just on energy-saving mode.



Co-founder & CEO

Struggles to remember the surnames of his teammates. "Dyslexia" he calls it.



Product and manufacturing manager

One Nutella sandwich a day keeps the doctor away.



All-round marketing & content designer

He doesn't make a lot of mistakes, but when he makes them he blames pixel alignment.


van der Donk

Co-founder & CTO

A real sore loser when he gets beaten in a game of Smash Bros.