Maximizing living space: When every square foot counts
In one year, the average Belgian lost about a fifth of his purchasing power, says Piet Derriks, managing director at Immoweb. "The purchasing power of each Belgian fell solidly by about 18 square meters - or a large bedroom - per person. For a working couple, we are already talking about 36 square meters."
The trend is especially noticeable in Brussels. "Brussels residents who had a purchasing power of 55 square meters on Jan. 1, 2022, now qualify for only 45 square meters for an average wage," Derriks said. "So for the first time, couples in Brussels fall below the 100-square-meter limit."
The challenge and question to ask is, "How can we build smaller without sacrificing living space? Sounds contradictory, but it can be done. In fact, it can be done without sacrificing quality of life and comfort; on the contrary, you even create additional storage space.

How, you ask? Well, for that we need to scrutinize our production processes and rethink them, optimize them. How do we make our traditional building sector future-proof working with high-quality, sustainable and circular materials and techniques? It is important to consider the functionality and usability of space in terms of necessary amenities, storage and living facilities while maximizing available square footage.
This is what we, the people of Bao Living, have been doing for the past few years with SAM (Smart Adaptable Module). SAM is a modular and circular furniture system that integrates all the technology (kitchen, bathroom, heating, ventilation, lighting and electricity) within an efficient and sleek package centralized around the technical shaft.
One of the greater advantages of building with SAM is the space savings realized in a project. Through our modular and innovative way of installing the various technologies and living functions, we eliminate, among other things, technical storage from the design. Thus, we increase the average living space of a home by about 10%. Depending on the layout, this can even reach 20%.

Modular construction also allows for much faster construction times than traditional construction methods because modules can be manufactured off-site and transported to site for assembly as one complete kit. It also eliminates the need to work with multiple subcontractors, reducing the need to manage and the risk of communication errors. As a result, your project can be delivered faster and more reliably. Efficient and creative use of space will also contribute to a more comfortable and satisfying living environment for occupants.
Discover how, in partnership with Immobel, Belgium's largest property developer, we are creating as much as 25% more living space and 50% more storage space with SAM! See it here.